The Rosary March for Religious Liberty proceeds up Gorham Street. We processed thrice around the block Holy Redeemer Church sits on, praying 15 decades of the rosary, led by Fr Eric Nielsen, who in this picture is the last of those in cassock and surplice. Behind him are Fr John Silva, Fr Eric Sternberg, and I'd say at least 100 lay people.

Following Jesus and Mary with willing feet and attention of mind and heart on the mysteries of our Lord.

Back in the church, everyone presented fresh flowers to the processional image of Our Lady. Next there was Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Fr Brian Dulli, in the gold cope, gave a homily which spoke of freedom to practice our Faith in full, and the urgent situation of the HHS contraceptive mandate.

I am thinking of the beauty of holiness and the holiness of beauty. Earlier the same day: First Communion; the loveliness transcends my miserable photography. This moved me and still draws me to meditate in my heart, because these young girls came from families that I think really practice the Faith, so I cannot doubt that they approached the altar rail knowing and loving Whom they would be encountering.
I wish to say I detest taking pictures of religious occasions; having dabbled in it slightly now I feel sorry. Photographs can have a purpose, but you can either pray, or you can take pictures and plan a blog post in your head.