Above, I especially enjoyed this picture that Madison Catholic Youth posted to facebook, depicting the excitement of the highschoolers from Madison, as they’re just an hour from DC where they would attend the March for Life.
But what occasion my post is young Madison Catholic Ben Yanke’s fun and epic photo post on his great blog From the Ordinary to the Extraordinary, of his journey to last week’s March for Life in DC with many others from our diocese. EWTN hired a professional to do a count of the march this year, and it was 600,000 people. Notre Dame University was at the head of the march this year, with 600 students and Fr Jenkins!
Also there is Fr Z’s photo post of his experience at the March. His caption for the photo below was “I have been instructed to glare as we pass the Supreme Court!”
I think all of us need to have the same look as Fr. Z when thinking about this issue. Excellent post.
PermalinkThank you, Elizabeth, for the great job!