Roe v Wade anniversary Rosary Rally at the Capitol

Roe v Wade anniversary pro life Rosary Rally

Today about 100 Pro Life Wisconsin supporters gathered on the State Street Steps of the WI Capitol, commemorating the sorrowful 40th anniversary of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that has resulted in well over 50 million abortions in the US since that time.

You can view more lovely pictures of this event, even of hecklers handcuffed and led away by the Capitol Police, at Syte Reitz’s blog.




Peggy Hamill, head of Pro Life Wisconsin, in red coat with ALL sign.


Fr John Sasse, warm and unmistakably a priest, led the rosary. Holding the flag is Curt Jacobsen,who is Knights of Columbus District Deputy. Fr Sasse is also a very dedicated Chaplain for this wonderful organization.


Pro-life Wisconsin affirms that spiritual warfare is necessary if we are to prevail against abortion.


Jan 22 is the actual date of the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v Wade that legalized abortion throughout America, and the US Bishops have called for a day of prayer and penance (such as fasting).


Taking down the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a 3rd class relic that was touched to St Juan Diego’s holy tilma. The Pilgrim Image of Our Lady is a ministry of the Servants of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The special pro life resonance of the image is that Mary appeared to St Juan Diego pregnant.


Pro-abortion progressives, also mindful of the 40th anniversary, chalked some messages in favor of Roe v Wade, which they identify with “women’s rights”. Some rosary pray-ers found that snow is effective for chalk removal.


After, there was a great potluck and a great speaker about Planned Parenthood’s agenda, over at St Patrick’s Church on E Main St.


They are loved.

There is another Pro Life Wisconsin event coming up that you should consider:

2013 Reclaiming Wisconsin for Life: A Day at the Capitol

Thur., March 7:Join Pro-Life Wisconsin for our 2013 Day at the Capitol featuring Gilberto Garcia Jones of Personhood USA. Legislative leaders will address the group followed by a session on issues challenging the state and what individuals can do to advance the pro-life cause in Wisconsin. At noon we will walk to the Capitol and meet our representatives. Click here to register now or download a form by clicking here.

16 Responses to Roe v Wade anniversary Rosary Rally at the Capitol

  1. Excellent post!

    Why did I forget to attend this rally?! Why are they not going to have any kind of event on Tuesday, January 22, the actual anniversary date? Especially since the USCCB bishops have called for prayer and fasting and special Masses? How about something at the PPP clinic? Perhaps Fr. Heilman could lead something again like the Stations of the Cross. Questions, questions, questions.

    • I know Fr Heilman wanted to do something with this and was pondering it. Tues is the usual Rosary Rally night at St Mary of Pine Bluff already though. There is a TLM, then chanted vespers (in English I’m sure) and then 15 decades of the Rosary for Life, Family and the Conversion of the World. Learn more on their parish website.

    • Somehow I completely forgot about this too. Probably because I had just been looking ahead in my Ordo, reading about the January 22 votive Mass allowance to mark the dreadful anniversary. When I went to St Patrick’s for confessions that afternoon, I was wondering what was going on. There’s usually no one else there right at 3:30. Then I got home and saw this post. Mea culpa.

      I do love Fr Sasse’s cappa nigra though. Nice to see a Roman Catholic priest who looks like a Roman Catholic priest. So many beautiful traditions have been ignored for far too long.

      • Michael, we have to meet sometime. I was at St. Pat’s that afternoon, too, in the confession line. And I attend the 7 am TLM/EF at Holy Redeemer on Sundays. Were wearing a blazer?

        • If I remember correctly, Saturday I was wearing a black blazer, yes.

          Sundays I always wear a black suit, white shirt, and tie to Mass. Unless I’m serving, in which case I’m wearing cassock and surplice, of course. That’s me on Fr Sternberg’s right in the Laetificat Blog Facebook page photo.

          • Okay. I’ll look for you. FYI, I think I met you by the glass exit doors after Mass on New Year’s Day at St. Pat’s. I complimented you on how reverently you serve at the TLM on Sunday mornings at Holy Redeemer.

  2. PPP = PP Clinic

  3. FYI, Curt Jacobsen is District Deputy, KofC not the State Deputy. Not yet anyway.

  4. I love that photo of good Fr. John Sasse all dressed up in his clerical garb. I Tweeted this post of yours.

    Odd thing is I decided to go to the 3:30 pm confessions at St. Pat’s today and noticed the cars in the parking lot and the people flocking around the church. Then I realized there was a rally and I had forgotten to attend. 🙁

  5. Thanks for the pictures, Elizabeth!
    I ended up using some of them, if that’s ok with you…

    • Yes, but one thing I have learned the hard way in blogging is, ask permission first if you are going to use an extensive amount of someone else’s work (a small amount like a quote is almost never a problem). Even if the person is laid back about it, it is still courteous. And some people are protective of their copyright and want people to visit their own website to view the content. But having said that, it’s also true that “copying is the sincerest form of flattery”.

  6. I would be the first one to forget the rally, so those things happen.
    Praise and thanks to God for all the miracles!
    Videographer needed plus33 temps and dry-God did it.
    Audio system needed dry air and not wet cement-got it.
    Adapter from Capitol Police needed not real wet ground at outlet-got it.
    Our Lady’s Image needed not too bad winds-got it.
    Friend said the wind was of the Holy Spirit!
    Sunny even at beginning of rally!
    Our Lady brought Jen and Will with Her Image-they were able to travel on good winter roads and were available!
    About 20 people prayed inside St. Patrick’s Church while we prayed at the Capitol!
    More than 100 at Capitol plus about 20 at Church and others who could not make it were praying in solidarity!
    Father Sasse brought the Vatican flag and led us devoutly in the Rosary at the Capitol!
    We scheduled the potluck to start at 12:15pm and we did!
    The program was done shortly before 3pm just as we scheduled!
    People came from Thorp, Boscobel, Hollendale, Necedah, Milwaukee and other towns in the Madison area!
    We had plenty of food at the potluck!
    The program was excellent on Planned Parenthood, the evil empire.
    Want to do something on January 22?
    We did this early for the people who would be in Washington D.C. for the March For LIfe the week of Roe.
    Thank you all who prayed and all who donated food for the potluck and who led the rosary and who stayed for the program.
    Thank you all who sponsored the event and spoke at the gatherings.
    Thank you all who made the event flyer and ther radio ad and spread the word leading up to the event.
    Thank you all who took video and pictures and reported on your blogs.
    A very blessed day!

    • AND special thanks for Fr. John Sasse who led the rosary.

  7. Thank you for your photos and write-up, Elizabeth! I also enjoyed your story and analysis of the film at Sinsinawa… and an important view to relate!


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